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Exploring South Korea`s Adultery Laws

Exploring South Korea`s adultery laws have been a topic of much discussion and debate in recent years. The country`s legal stance on adultery has evolved significantly, and it continues to be a hot-button issue in Korean society.

The History of Adultery Laws in South Korea

Adultery was first criminalized in South Korea in 1953, during a period of social and political upheaval. The law remained in place for over 60 years, until it was finally struck down by the Constitutional Court in 2015.

Legal Stance

As of today, adultery is no longer a criminal offense in South Korea. The court ruled that the law infringed upon individuals` privacy and was a violation of their personal freedom.

Impact Society

The decision to decriminalize adultery was a significant step forward for South Korea`s legal system. It marked a departure from the conservative attitudes that had long dominated Korean society.

Case Studies

One high-profile case that brought the issue of adultery laws to the forefront was that of a popular actress who was sued by her husband for committing adultery. The case sparked a national conversation about the fairness and relevance of the law in modern society.


According to a survey conducted in 2015, 57% of South Koreans were in favor of decriminalizing adultery, while 37% were opposed. The survey highlighted the generational divide in attitudes towards the issue, with younger Koreans being more supportive of the change.

South Korea`s journey towards decriminalizing adultery is a fascinating and important development in the country`s legal landscape. The decision reflects shifting societal attitudes and a growing recognition of individual rights and freedoms.


Constitutional Court Korea. (2015). Case No. 2012Hun-Ba127. Retrieved

Korea Times. (2015). Adultery law ruled unconstitutional. Retrieved

South Korea Adultery Laws: A Legal Contract

Adultery is a serious offense in South Korea and is governed by strict laws and regulations. This legal contract outlines the terms and consequences related to adultery in South Korea.

Article 1: Definitions
1.1 «Adultery» refers to the act of engaging in sexual relations with a person other than one`s spouse.
1.2 «Spouse» refers to a legally married partner in a marriage recognized by South Korean law.
Article 2: Prohibition Adultery
2.1 Adultery is strictly prohibited in South Korea and is grounds for legal action and potential criminal prosecution.
2.2 Any individual found guilty of adultery may face imprisonment and/or fines as per the provisions of the South Korean criminal code.
Article 3: Legal Consequences
3.1 In the event of adultery, the innocent spouse may file for divorce and seek compensation for damages caused as a result of the adultery.
3.2 Adultery may also have implications on child custody, visitation rights, and financial support in the event of divorce proceedings.
Article 4: Conclusion
4.1 This legal contract serves to inform individuals about the seriousness of adultery under South Korean laws and the potential legal consequences that may arise.
4.2 It is imperative for individuals to abide by the laws and regulations governing marital fidelity in South Korea to avoid legal ramifications.

South Korea Adultery Laws: 10 Popular Legal Questions Answered

Question Answer
1. What is the legal definition of adultery in South Korea? Adultery in South Korea is defined as consensual sexual intercourse between a married person and someone other than their spouse. It is punishable under Article 241 of the Korean Criminal Code.
2. What are the legal consequences of committing adultery in South Korea? Committing adultery in South Korea can lead to a prison sentence of up to two years or a fine. It also civil consequences, spouse able file divorce claim damages.
3. Can a non-Korean national be prosecuted for adultery in South Korea? Yes, non-Korean nationals can be prosecuted for adultery in South Korea if the act occurred within the country`s jurisdiction.
4. Is there a statute of limitations for prosecuting adultery in South Korea? There is no statute of limitations for prosecuting adultery in South Korea. The act can be prosecuted at any time after it has occurred.
5. Can a spouse refuse to testify against their partner in an adultery case? No, in South Korea, a spouse cannot refuse to testify against their partner in an adultery case. Spousal privilege does not apply in such cases.
6. Are legal defenses charge adultery South Korea? There are limited legal defenses against a charge of adultery in South Korea, such as proving that the sexual act was not consensual or that the spouse consented to the extramarital relationship.
7. Can a private investigator be hired to gather evidence of adultery in South Korea? Yes, hiring a private investigator to gather evidence of adultery is legal in South Korea. However, the evidence must be obtained lawfully and ethically.
8. Can a court order a DNA test to determine paternity in an adultery case? Yes, a court can order a DNA test to determine paternity in an adultery case if the issue of paternity is relevant to the case.
9. Are recent developments changes Exploring South Korea`s Adultery Laws? Exploring South Korea`s adultery laws were recently struck down by the Constitutional Court in 2015, decriminalizing adultery. However, the civil consequences of adultery, such as divorce and damages claims, still exist.
10. What someone accused adultery South Korea? If accused of adultery in South Korea, it is important to seek legal counsel immediately and refrain from making any statements or taking any actions that could incriminate oneself further.