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Fascinating Legal Questions about Who Can Change the Number of Supreme Court Justices

Question Answer
Can the President change the number of Supreme Court justices? No, the President does not have the authority to change the number of Supreme Court justices. This power lies with Congress.
Can Congress change the number of Supreme Court justices? Yes, Congress has the authority to change the number of Supreme Court justices through legislation. However, this power has been traditionally exercised sparingly.
Can the Supreme Court itself change its own number of justices? No, the Supreme Court does not have the authority to change its own number of justices. This power lies with Congress.
Can the public petition for a change in the number of Supreme Court justices? While the public can express its opinions and concerns to elected officials, the actual process of changing the number of Supreme Court justices lies within the realm of legislative action by Congress.
Can a state government influence the number of Supreme Court justices? State governments do not have the authority to directly change the number of Supreme Court justices. This power is vested in the federal government.
Can a constitutional amendment change the number of Supreme Court justices? Yes, a constitutional amendment could theoretically change the number of Supreme Court justices, but it would require a significant and challenging process involving approval by two-thirds of both houses of Congress and ratification by three-fourths of the states.
Can the Supreme Court itself challenge the number of justices set by Congress? No, the Supreme Court does not have the authority to challenge the number of justices set by Congress. This power is outside the scope of the Court`s jurisdiction.
Can the number of Supreme Court justices be changed through executive order? No, the number of Supreme Court justices cannot be changed through executive order. This power resides exclusively within the legislative branch of government.
Can the judiciary committee in Congress propose a change in the number of Supreme Court justices? Yes, the judiciary committee in Congress can propose legislation to change the number of Supreme Court justices. However, any such proposal would need to go through the full legislative process to become law.
Can a grassroots movement influence the decision to change the number of Supreme Court justices? While grassroots movements can raise awareness and advocate for change, ultimately the decision to change the number of Supreme Court justices rests with the elected representatives in Congress.

Who Can Change the Number of Supreme Court Justices

As a law enthusiast, I have always been fascinated by the intricate workings of the Supreme Court. One particularly intriguing aspect is the question of who has the power to change the number of Supreme Court justices. This issue has been the subject of much debate and controversy, and I find it absolutely riveting. Let`s into the and explore this topic.

The Power to Change the Number of Supreme Court Justices

As it stands, the number of Supreme Court justices is set at nine. However, the Constitution does not stipulate a specific number, leaving the door open for potential change. The power to alter the number of justices ultimately lies with Congress. Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution grants Congress the authority to establish and organize the federal judiciary, including the Supreme Court. This means that Congress has the power to change the number of Supreme Court justices through legislation.

Historical Precedents

history, the number of Supreme Court has varied. In fact, the number fluctuated several times in the 19th century before settling at nine in 1869. This that changes to the are not and occurred in the past.

Proposed Changes and Controversies

the years, have been to the number of Supreme Court. Proposals have sparked debates and controversies. Example, during D. Roosevelt`s he to the Court to as as 15 in what became as the «court-packing plan.» his ultimately they the nature of to change the Court`s composition.

The of who can change the number of Supreme Court is a one that has implications for the and the of power in the States. As a enthusiast, I find it to delve into the historical proposed and surrounding this issue. Ultimately, the power to change the number of Supreme Court justices resides with Congress, and any attempts to do so are likely to be met with rigorous debate and scrutiny.


Article Author Publication
The Power to Change the Size of the Supreme Court Doe Harvard Law Review
Supreme Court Expansion: Roosevelt`s «Court-Packing» Plan Smith Stanford Law Journal

Contract: Authority to Change the Number of Supreme Court Justices

This contract outlines the authority and process for changing the number of justices in the Supreme Court of the United States. The parties involved in this contract are bound by the terms and conditions outlined below.

1. Definitions
In this contract:
– «Supreme Court» refers to the highest court in the federal judiciary of the United States.

– «Authority» refers to the entity or individual with the power to change the number of justices in the Supreme Court.

– «Process» refers to the legal procedure and requirements for changing the number of justices in the Supreme Court.
2. Authority to Change the Number of Supreme Court Justices
The authority to change the number of justices in the Supreme Court is granted to the President of the United States, in accordance with Article III, Section 1 of the United States Constitution. The President has the power to nominate and, with the advice and consent of the Senate, appoint justices to the Supreme Court. Additionally, Congress has the authority to pass legislation to change the number of justices in the Supreme Court, as per the Judiciary Act of 1869.
3. Process for Changing the Number of Supreme Court Justices
The process for changing the number of justices in the Supreme Court involves the steps:
– The President nominates a for a vacant justice position, and the Senate confirmation hearings and on the nomination.

– Congress introduces and passes legislation to increase or decrease the number of justices in the Supreme Court, which approval from both the House of Representatives and the Senate, and may be to presidential veto.

– Any changes to the number of justices in the Supreme Court must with the procedures and set forth in the Constitution and relevant laws.
4. Conclusion
This contract serves as a legal document outlining the authority and process for changing the number of justices in the Supreme Court. The parties involved in this contract are bound by the terms and conditions outlined herein.